West Texas A&M University

My WT Account

Changing or Resetting Your Password

To change your Buff Connect password go to passwordreset.microsoftonline.com.

You will need to know your Student Email address and follow the steps on the screen. It will take you through a two-step verification process before allowing you to reset your password.

*Passwords expire every 2 years.

Password Requirements

A strong password is one that is difficult for others to determine by guessing or by using automated programs. A strong password is an important first step in protecting your personal information. A good password is complex, and easy to for you to remember.

Complexity Requirements:

  • Passwords must be at least 12 characters in length 
  • Passwords must contain each of the following elements:
    • An uppercase letter (A,B,C).
    • A lowercase letter (a, b, c).
    • A number (1, 2, 3).
  • Special characters ( ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' ? , . / ) are encouraged but not required.
  • Is not a common word or name, or a close variation on a common word or name.
  • Is not one of your tem (10) previously used passwords.

Your password cannot contain:

  • Ampersands (&), angle brackets (< >) or non-English characters.
  • Significant portions of your account name or full name.
  • The portion of your e-mail address before the @ symbol.
  • Words or phrases associated with the University including but not limited to: buffs, buffaloes, maroon, west, Texas.

 Remember, when you update your password, you must update the Wi-Fi connections and email clients on each of your devices to avoid account holds. 

If you are having difficulty finding a password that works for you, consider moving to a passphrase, or using a favorite line from a film, TV or book. Below are some examples that meet our guidelines but are easy to remember:

  • I Need more C0ffee
  • Maytheforc3bewithyou
  • Callmelshma3l
  • Theresn0place1ikehome


See Also: